Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Happy Valentine's Day

 Hope you all share the love today!

I'm working more on my book. Still haven't settled on a name. 

Working title: So, you want to buy an RV?

Subtitle: My journey to find the perfect RV for ME

Another suggestion was: To RV or not to RV

My camping obsession has me purchasing all the Lego campers, lol.
In class we did a mind map project. This mess is mine!

This really seemed to help. As you can see, I'm totally at the beginning of the book. BUT, this will help me remember what I wanted in it. Not all of these will be used, and some maybe combined.

Buying my RV was a crazy adventure!

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

A new book idea

 I'm fiddling around with a writing a book. A non romance book. Here is the first draft of the introduction. Let me know what you think!

So, you want to buy an RV? (working title)

My journey to find the perfect RV for me.

The thought of camping made me cringe. Trauma from multiple family vacations rolled through me at the thought. My scalp prickled at just the idea of falling asleep and being feasted on by mosquitos.

BUT, I loved to travel. And I did. BUT, it was expensive.

Cheaper motels woke me up scratching as much as those long remembered mosquitos. The more reasonable but slightly pricier ones drained my wallet.

The thought of monotonous fast-food restaurants churned my belly. On one trip we ate only at Arby’s for two days straight. Nor is it cheap. Vacations were a hemorrhage on my finances. BUT, they lifted my soul.

I knew I had to face my fears, tear apart the trauma. Forget how I can still pee on the side of the road without getting my panties wet. Thanks, dad.

I needed a camper.

Oh god, could I survive this?

I refused to tell my family. They would never believe me. I had made my hatred of camping well known. I wasn’t going to let them laugh at me now. Despite their knowledge and experience, I refused to open that bag.

I can tell you what I didn’t want. No tent, hell no. I’m not sleeping on the ground. No pop up. My skin crawled at the thought. The long ago remembered night of slapping at mosquitos that made their way through the edges of the canvas was something I couldn’t face again.

So, it had to have metal walls and wheels. Comfy beds, a bathroom. I needed a Glamper, lol.

Thus began my journey to find the perfect camper for me. Oh, and my husband. Maybe a kid or two. Possibly their families. (They are adults)

Eh, maybe just me and my husband. And the granddaughter. We like her.

The year long journey was an adventure in itself.

Here’s how I did it.

Craving Lovely Books: Waking Tamara - Book Tour and Giveaway

Craving Lovely Books: Waking Tamara - Book Tour and Giveaway :